Original air date Jan 18, 2014 | Time 56:00

In 2002 Joni released "Travelogue", with orchestral settings for her performance, she did a live national tour with orchestra. We hear "Be Cool" and "Slouching Towards Bethlehem" (Yeats).

In 1968 Joan Baez released "Baptism" with music composed and orchestrated by Peter Schickle, featuring the spoken word and sung poetry of Rimbaud, Henry Treece and E.E.Cummings.

Sandy Denny was only 31 yrs old when she died in 1978. Her voice is strong and expressive and she is a song-writing genius. we hear "Quiet Joys of Botherhood" (R. Farina), "Nothing More" and "The Lady". Finally we hear Joni Mitchell's setting of R.Kipoling's poem "If" from her 2007 album "Shine" and "Woodstock" from "Travelogue", orchestrated by Vincent Mendoza.
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