Original air date Sept 26, 2015 | Time 59:00

Pope Francis Speaks and the Super Moon Lunar Eclipse: Dylan, Peter Paul and Mary, Beatles, Nick Drake
Bob Dylan Father of Night from New Morning
Beach Boys Our Prayer from Smile
Peter Paul and Mary The Great Mandella composed by Peter Yarrow from Album 1700
Peter Paul and Mary Hurry Sundown
Pete Seeger with Memphis Slim and Willie Dixon In the Evening When the Sun Goes Down from Pete Seeger at the Village Gate with Memphis Slim and Willie Dixon
Biff Rose Son in Moon from Children of Light
Nick Drake Pink Moon
Neil Young Harvest Moon
Nick Drake Things Behind the Sun from Pink Moon on Island
Biff Rose Children of Light on Tetragrammaton
Bleecker St Reality Band Emerald composed by Daniel Martin from Unreal on Which Records
The Beatles Across the Universe from Anthology 2 on EMI UK
The Beatles All you need is love from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR
The Beatles Real Love composed by John Lennon from Anthology 2