KATHY's Reality - a musician's life

Welcome to my personal website. It's full of personal memorabilia since it's first incarnation in 1992, when I started a website for my band, the Bleecker St Reality Band. Over the years, new designs have been laid on top of old designs, and now it's covered over again with my professional opera singer website. There's lots of stuff hidden in the corners. I haven't updated my music journal in over a year, so I'll get busy on it soon!

Aida by Verdi (click here to listen) the New York Opera Studio at Vassar July 2005

Headshots by Devon Cass

Here's the proofs from the session in Sept 2004. It was a wonderful experience and I'd highly reccomend him to everyone. Not just for singers! If you ever wanted a portrait, now is the time to do it.

Mark Thomas

We've lost him. It's so hard to understand that he isn't with us in the flesh anymore. I've posted his obituary and welcome any pictures or letters you want me to post, Just send them to me.

NY Opera Studio - Summer Program at Vassar with Nico and Carol Castel

Our Group Photos
I've just completed an intensive ten day program integrating my acting, movement and singing skills for a deeper and higher performance.

Latest Photos at Rancho Geary

My house in the woods. Friends and cat! at Rancho Geary

Here are recent recordings from 2002-2005 of opera and art song. Take a listen!
There's also earlier recordings of my singing with Carlo Bergonzi in Italy and with North Texas Opera Theatre productions from the 1980's.

New York Times - I'm Famous

I've been quoted in the New York Times! I was with Ron English on a billboard run and was interviewed. Check out the billboard on Ron's website or read the NY Times article from April 13, 2003.


Here's my Opera resume.

Here's my business resume. I'm currently a Software Engineer at a international corporation in NYC.

George W.'s Resume

Here's our President's resume. This was prepared by a faulty member from Indiana University and captures the situation very succintly!

US Invasion of Iraq

www.iraqbodycount.org www.iraqbodycount.org

God help us from bringing destruction to the whole world.
Here are the number of Iraqi CIVILIAN deaths reported from various sources including the NYTimes.
The armaments are loaded with uranium that will poison the land for decades, will poison our own troops.
Pray for peace.

Flash Pieces

These are some examples of the work I do using Macromedia's Flash.

Studies with Carlo Bergonzi

May 2006 - I've recently discovered a Video that was made of two of my 1986 coachings with Carlo Bergonzi. They were filmed in PAL format and I never saw them until I had them transferred to NTSC last week. WOW. I'll try to get them online soon.

You can listen to a performance of La Boheme I performed when I was fortunate enough to study in Busseto, Italy with Carlo Bergonzi. I've been assembling some photos and audio from my private collection of the 1984 Bel Canto Foundation. I was a participating singer along with about 20 other american students. There's photos of me singing Mimi and a shot of Carlo and Renata Tebaldi, who worked with some of us on occassion. I've written a little retrospective of my studies with him, which you can read while you listen to the recording of our final concert - which was taped on a hand held sony recorder from back-stage.

Pop Art Music with Ron English and Daniel Johnston

Listen to the ROAD TO HEAVEN words by Ron English and music by Kathy Geary. I'm playing the piano and singing. This is the rough mix, later I added more tracks. I give some background in the Journal.

The Road to Heaven is included on the latest CD release HYPERJINX TRICYCLE by Daniel Johnston, Ron English and Jack Medicine. Listen to Daniel's song Face Your Doom.


Thanks for stopping in, I hope you like what you find! love, Kathy

Copyright © 1996 - 2006 Kathy Geary All rights Reserved.


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